How Small Business Owners and Startups Can Use AI to Create Authentic and Insightful Content

As a small business owner or startup founder, you’ve probably seen the buzz around AI-generated content and wondered whether it’s something you should be using. It’s hard not to be intrigued—AI promises to make content creation faster, cheaper, and easier.

But here’s the thing: while AI can be a great tool, relying solely on it can lead to content that feels generic and disconnected. I’ve learned this the hard way, and I want to share my personal journey and insights with you on how to use AI effectively without losing the heart and soul of your brand.

My Journey with AI-Generated Content

AI is just a tool. It’s not a replacement for genuine, thoughtful content that resonates with real people.

When I first heard about AI tools for content creation, I was excited. The idea of streamlining the writing process and pumping out content at lightning speed sounded like a dream come true. So, I dove right in. I used AI to write blog posts, social media updates, and even product descriptions.

At first, it seemed like a game-changer. But soon, I noticed something troubling—our content started to feel robotic, lacking the warmth and personality that originally attracted our audience. We were churning out more content than ever, but engagement was dropping, and our brand voice was getting lost in the process.

That’s when I realized that AI, while powerful, is just a tool. It’s not a replacement for genuine, thoughtful content that resonates with real people. And that’s the kind of content I wanted to create—content that tells our story, reflects our values, and truly connects with our audience. Here’s how I learned to use AI to enhance, rather than replace, our authentic brand storytelling.

The Right Way to Use AI for Your Content

1. Let AI Be Your Assistant, Not Your Voice

Think of AI as your content assistant rather than your voice. It’s there to help with the heavy lifting—research, data gathering, basic outlines—but the actual storytelling, the heart of your content, should come from you. Your experiences, your insights, your personality—that’s what makes your content unique and engaging.

How I Did It:

  • Started with My Story: Instead of letting AI generate entire posts, I began using it to find data and statistics that supported the points I wanted to make. This allowed me to focus on weaving my personal stories and insights into the content.

  • Personalized the Content: After AI generated a draft, I would go through and add my own voice. I’d include anecdotes, share personal experiences, and tweak the language to sound more like “me” rather than a robot.

2. Focus on Solving Real Problems for Your Audience

Your content should do more than fill up a blog—it should solve problems, answer questions, and provide value. This is especially true for small businesses and startups, where building trust and a loyal customer base is crucial. The more you can help your audience, the more they will return and engage with your content.

How I Did It:

  • Listened to My Audience: I used AI tools to analyze customer feedback, reviews, and social media comments to find out what my audience cared about most. This helped me create content that was directly relevant to their needs.

  • Created Actionable Content: Instead of just talking about industry trends or generic topics, I focused on creating step-by-step guides and how-tos that offered real solutions to the problems my audience faced.

3. Use AI for Inspiration, Not Duplication

AI can be great for brainstorming ideas and providing inspiration, but don’t let it dictate your entire content strategy. The goal is to create content that’s uniquely yours, not just a slightly tweaked version of what everyone else is doing.

How I Did It:

  • Generated Topic Ideas: I used AI to generate a list of potential blog topics based on trending keywords. From there, I chose the ones that I felt passionate about or that aligned with my expertise.

  • Added a Unique Spin: For each topic, I asked myself, “What unique perspective can I bring to this?” I focused on my personal experiences and the lessons I’ve learned, which added a layer of authenticity that AI simply can’t replicate.

4. Keep Your Brand Voice Consistent

Your brand voice is what sets you apart. It’s how your audience recognizes you and feels connected to your brand. Even if you’re using AI to help create content, it’s important to make sure everything you publish aligns with your brand’s tone, style, and values.

How I Did It:

  • Developed a Brand Style Guide: I created a style guide that outlined our brand voice, tone, and key messaging points. This became a reference point for all content, ensuring consistency across the board.

  • Reviewed and Refined: Before publishing any AI-generated content, I’d review it with an eye for tone and style, making adjustments to ensure it sounded like “us.”

5. Humanize Your Content

No matter how advanced AI becomes, it will never replace the human element that makes content truly compelling. Your audience wants to hear from you—your thoughts, your stories, your experiences. That’s what builds trust and fosters a genuine connection.

How I Did It:

  • Shared Personal Stories: I started including more personal anecdotes in my content—both successes and failures. This transparency helped build a stronger bond with my audience, showing them the human side of the business.

  • Featured Real People: I highlighted customer stories, employee experiences, and even partner collaborations. This not only diversified the content but also added authenticity by showcasing real people connected to the brand.


The rise of AI-generated content is exciting, but it’s crucial to remember that AI is just a tool—it’s not a replacement for the human touch. As small business owners and startup founders, our biggest asset is our ability to connect with our audience on a personal level. By using AI to enhance our content rather than replace our voice, we can create authentic, insightful content that truly resonates with our audience and strengthens our brand.

Remember, it’s not about how much content you can produce; it’s about the value you provide. Focus on solving real problems, sharing your unique perspective, and staying true to your brand voice. That’s how you’ll keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.


Q: How can I use AI to generate content without losing my brand voice?
A: Use AI for research, outlines, and inspiration, but always personalize the final content. Edit the AI-generated draft to add your voice, style, and unique perspective.

Q: What are some good AI tools for content creation?
A: Tools like Jasper, Grammarly, and can help with writing assistance, while Ahrefs and SEMrush are great for SEO optimization and keyword research.

Q: How often should I use AI for content creation?
A: Use AI as much as it helps you save time and streamline the process, but ensure that the core message and voice of your content remain authentically yours. Balance AI use with genuine, human-driven storytelling.

Jason Tai

Growth Strategy for Business Owners

🤦‍♂️ Tired of rich scammers & fake gurus

📈 Branding, marketing & AI to scale brands

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