Standing Out: How to Differentiate Your Business and Brand from Competitors
Marketing, Branding, Business Jason Tai Marketing, Branding, Business Jason Tai

Standing Out: How to Differentiate Your Business and Brand from Competitors

Achieving differentiation requires creating a unique value proposition (UVP) that resonates with your target customers by solving their problems or improving their lives. This blog will delve into the importance of a UVP, share marketing frameworks, and provide practical ways to analyze and develop your unique value proposition.

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How To Build A Strong Brand Identity For Small Business
Branding, Marketing Jason Tai Branding, Marketing Jason Tai

How To Build A Strong Brand Identity For Small Business

A well-defined brand identity helps you connect with your audience, build trust, and establish a lasting impression. This blog will explore the concept of brand identity, its importance, and the key steps to building a strong brand identity. We will also provide professional tips, useful tools, and a case study to illustrate how to activate your brand identity and stand out from the competition.

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Professional Value: Beyond Labor, It's About Impact
Branding, Business Jason Tai Branding, Business Jason Tai

Professional Value: Beyond Labor, It's About Impact

When entering the field of business and entrepreneurship, many professionals initially focus on the skills and knowledge they acquire. Every project and task represents their time and effort. However, over time, it becomes evident that the real value lies not just in the time spent, but in the tangible benefits and influence provided to clients and customers.

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How Much is Logo Design Worth? (And How Much Should We Pay?)
Branding Jason Tai Branding Jason Tai

How Much is Logo Design Worth? (And How Much Should We Pay?)

As a business owner, shifting your mindset to see design as an investment rather than an expense is crucial. Recognizing the lasting impact of a professional logo and visual identity can help you appreciate the value of quality design work. This perspective ensures that the services you invest in consistently bring long-term benefits and a positive impact on your business.

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What is Branding? Isn't It Just Marketing?
Branding Jason Tai Branding Jason Tai

What is Branding? Isn't It Just Marketing?

Simply put, branding is the process of a business understanding who they are, who they are speaking to, and what they are saying, and controlling how this is presented. Good branding helps businesses and entrepreneurs clarify their unique value proposition (mission, vision, values), core message, and brand identity (visual, verbal, and experiential).

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Hello👋 I’m Jason

Hi there! I’m Jason, based in NYC with 10 years of experience in branding and digital marketing. As a Brand Director and agency business owner, I specialize in strategic and creative brand solutions to create impactful and sustainable brands.

I'm tired of rich scammers and fake marketing gurus on social media and the internet. That's why I started this blog—to share straightforward, practical advice on branding and marketing for small businesses and startups. Here, we'll dive into real strategies that make a difference, avoiding the hype and empty promises.

Join me on this journey to demystify marketing, as I also share bits of my everyday life in New York and chase my dream of one day relaxing in a Japanese hot spring with a capybara. Let's cut through the noise together and make marketing genuinely impactful!