The Misunderstanding of "Lean Startup" and "Minimum Viable Product" for Small Businesses and Startups
Business, Marketing Jason Tai Business, Marketing Jason Tai

The Misunderstanding of "Lean Startup" and "Minimum Viable Product" for Small Businesses and Startups

Many believe that launching an MVP is all about speed and cutting corners to get a product out quickly. However, the real power behind the MVP approach is minimizing risk while maximizing learning and flexibility. Rushing through development without proper research and planning can lead to disastrous outcomes, especially when resources and time are limited.

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10 Practical Ways Small Businesses and Startups Can Boost E-Commerce Conversion Rates Without Breaking the Bank (With Detailed How-To)
Marketing Jason Tai Marketing Jason Tai

10 Practical Ways Small Businesses and Startups Can Boost E-Commerce Conversion Rates Without Breaking the Bank (With Detailed How-To)

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is crucial for turning website visitors into paying customers, but it doesn't always require a hefty budget. By implementing practical strategies focused on user experience, branding, and digital marketing, brands can see significant improvements without substantial investment.

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Standing Out: How to Differentiate Your Business and Brand from Competitors
Marketing, Branding, Business Jason Tai Marketing, Branding, Business Jason Tai

Standing Out: How to Differentiate Your Business and Brand from Competitors

Achieving differentiation requires creating a unique value proposition (UVP) that resonates with your target customers by solving their problems or improving their lives. This blog will delve into the importance of a UVP, share marketing frameworks, and provide practical ways to analyze and develop your unique value proposition.

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How To Build A Strong Brand Identity For Small Business
Branding, Marketing Jason Tai Branding, Marketing Jason Tai

How To Build A Strong Brand Identity For Small Business

A well-defined brand identity helps you connect with your audience, build trust, and establish a lasting impression. This blog will explore the concept of brand identity, its importance, and the key steps to building a strong brand identity. We will also provide professional tips, useful tools, and a case study to illustrate how to activate your brand identity and stand out from the competition.

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How To Do Advertising For My Business? Start Your Digital Ads with Google Search Campaign
Marketing Jason Tai Marketing Jason Tai

How To Do Advertising For My Business? Start Your Digital Ads with Google Search Campaign

If you're stepping into the world of digital advertising, starting with Google Search Campaigns can be your best move. This article will walk you through why the Google Search Ad Campaign is low-hanging fruit, provide a comparison with social paid ads, and offer a detailed step-by-step guide to starting and optimizing your Google Search Campaigns.

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How to Optimize Your Google Business Profile: A Powerful and Underestimated Free Marketing Tool (Google Map Listing)
Business, Marketing Jason Tai Business, Marketing Jason Tai

How to Optimize Your Google Business Profile: A Powerful and Underestimated Free Marketing Tool (Google Map Listing)

This free tool can significantly boost your local SEO, enhance your visibility, and the most importantly, convert the customers who are already interested when they do the research. In this blog, we'll delve into what Google Business is, why it's essential, and provide practical tips on how to optimize your listing effectively.

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Hello👋 I’m Jason

Hi there! I’m Jason, based in NYC with 10 years of experience in branding and digital marketing. As a Brand Director and agency business owner, I specialize in strategic and creative brand solutions to create impactful and sustainable brands.

I'm tired of rich scammers and fake marketing gurus on social media and the internet. That's why I started this blog—to share straightforward, practical advice on branding and marketing for small businesses and startups. Here, we'll dive into real strategies that make a difference, avoiding the hype and empty promises.

Join me on this journey to demystify marketing, as I also share bits of my everyday life in New York and chase my dream of one day relaxing in a Japanese hot spring with a capybara. Let's cut through the noise together and make marketing genuinely impactful!