Steve Jobs' Visionary Speech: The Heart of Marketing and Branding

Flashback to September 23, 1997: Steve Jobs returns to Apple and delivers an unforgettable speech on marketing and branding.

In his words, "Marketing is about values." Jobs emphasized that effective marketing goes beyond just selling products—it's about building an emotional connection with customers and creating a lasting image in their minds. This powerful philosophy reshaped Apple and set the foundation for its iconic status. It's a reminder that the heart of great marketing lies in the values and emotions we evoke.

The Essence of Steve Jobs' Marketing Philosophy

When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, the company was struggling. It had lost its direction, and its products were not resonating with consumers. Jobs' speech marked a turning point, emphasizing a profound shift in how Apple approached marketing and branding.

"Marketing is About Values"

Jobs’ assertion that "marketing is about values" cuts to the core of what makes brands like Apple stand out. He highlighted that great marketing doesn't just push products—it tells a story that resonates with people on a deeper level. This approach is about understanding and conveying the company's core values and beliefs, which, in turn, connect with the values and beliefs of their customers.

Creating Emotional Connections

Jobs believed that to create a strong brand, companies must forge emotional connections with their customers. This involves tapping into human emotions and experiences, making the brand not just a part of the customer's life but a meaningful extension of their identity. Apple did this by focusing on innovation, simplicity, and elegance—values that spoke directly to the desires and aspirations of their audience.

The "Think Different" Campaign

One of the most significant outcomes of Jobs' marketing philosophy was the "Think Different" campaign. This campaign didn’t focus on the technical specifications of Apple's products. Instead, it celebrated the people who saw the world differently and who changed it for the better. The campaign featured iconic figures like Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr., and Mahatma Gandhi, aligning Apple with the spirit of innovation and creativity.

The Impact on Apple's Branding

Jobs’ emphasis on values and emotional connection transformed Apple's branding strategy. Apple products became synonymous with creativity, innovation, and quality. The company's advertisements and product launches began to evoke strong emotional responses, making customers feel like they were part of something larger than just owning a gadget.

Lessons for Modern Marketers

Steve Jobs' insights into marketing and branding offer timeless lessons for modern marketers and entrepreneurs:

  1. Focus on Values

    • Identify and communicate your company's core values. Make sure these values resonate with your target audience.

  2. Build Emotional Connections

    • Create marketing campaigns that evoke emotions. Tell stories that your customers can relate to and that make them feel connected to your brand.

  3. Tell a Story

    • Don’t just sell products; sell a vision. Use storytelling to convey your brand's mission and purpose.

  4. Be Authentic

    • Authenticity is crucial. Ensure that your marketing efforts reflect the true essence of your brand and are consistent across all channels.

  5. Innovate Continuously

    • Stay ahead of the curve by continuously innovating. This keeps your brand relevant and exciting in the eyes of your customers.


Steve Jobs' 1997 speech on marketing and branding remains a powerful reminder that the ultimate goal of marketing is not just to sell products but to create a lasting emotional connection with customers. By focusing on values and evoking emotions, brands can build a loyal customer base and achieve iconic status, just as Apple did under Jobs' visionary leadership.

In today's competitive market, these principles are more relevant than ever. By embracing Jobs' philosophy, businesses can create marketing strategies that not only drive sales but also build meaningful relationships with their customers, ensuring long-term success and growth.


  1. Why did Steve Jobs emphasize values in marketing?

    • Steve Jobs believed that values are at the core of effective marketing. They help create an emotional connection with customers and build a lasting brand image.

  2. How did the "Think Different" campaign reflect Jobs' marketing philosophy?

    • The "Think Different" campaign celebrated innovation and creativity, aligning Apple's brand with those values and resonating deeply with customers.

  3. What can modern marketers learn from Steve Jobs' approach?

    • Modern marketers can learn to focus on values, build emotional connections, tell compelling stories, be authentic, and continuously innovate.

  4. Why are emotional connections important in branding?

    • Emotional connections make customers feel more personally invested in a brand, leading to greater loyalty and advocacy.

  5. How can a company identify its core values for branding purposes?

    • Companies can identify their core values by reflecting on their mission, vision, and the unique benefits they offer to their customers. Engaging with employees and customers can also provide insights into what values resonate most.

Jason Tai

Growth Strategy for Business Owners

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