How To Do Advertising For My Business? Start Your Digital Ads with Google Search Campaign
Marketing Jason Tai Marketing Jason Tai

How To Do Advertising For My Business? Start Your Digital Ads with Google Search Campaign

If you're stepping into the world of digital advertising, starting with Google Search Campaigns can be your best move. This article will walk you through why the Google Search Ad Campaign is low-hanging fruit, provide a comparison with social paid ads, and offer a detailed step-by-step guide to starting and optimizing your Google Search Campaigns.

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Hello👋 I’m Jason

Hi there! I’m Jason, based in NYC with 10 years of experience in branding and digital marketing. As a Brand Director and agency business owner, I specialize in strategic and creative brand solutions to create impactful and sustainable brands.

I'm tired of rich scammers and fake marketing gurus on social media and the internet. That's why I started this blog—to share straightforward, practical advice on branding and marketing for small businesses and startups. Here, we'll dive into real strategies that make a difference, avoiding the hype and empty promises.

Join me on this journey to demystify marketing, as I also share bits of my everyday life in New York and chase my dream of one day relaxing in a Japanese hot spring with a capybara. Let's cut through the noise together and make marketing genuinely impactful!