Why Do We Often Think More Than We Act?

Celebrate! The Birth of "Jason Tai | Growth Strategy for Business Owners" Blog 🎉

It’s worth celebrating! The "Jason Tai | Growth Strategy for Business Owners" blog is finally here. It has taken years to get to this point, truly, several years.

I have always wanted to write a blog, to share my insights and experiences from both my professional and personal life. However, starting this blog has been a long time coming. I've spent countless hours watching YouTube videos on content creation, bought equipment, and even learned photography and video editing. Yet, every time I resolved to start, I would back out at the last minute. This procrastination lasted for years.

Why Do We Often Think More Than We Act?

When planning for clients, I am always full of energy and clarity of thought. But when it comes to planning for myself, the opposite is true. I put too much pressure on myself, asking questions like: What's my positioning? Who is my target audience? What value am I offering? How do I stand out? Is my equipment good enough? Is my content good enough? What message am I trying to convey? What problems am I solving? What are my future plans? Which platform should I use? How do I promote it? How should I schedule my time? How do I ensure longevity? What will others think? These questions can go on indefinitely.

The Source of Pressure

I gradually realized that the pressure I put on myself stemmed from my deep-seated expectations. When I set my ultimate goal as financial gain or earning respect from others, there are too many opportunity costs and risks involved. There are also simpler ways to achieve these goals, which naturally leads to a loss of motivation and increases pressure on myself.

Just an Experiment

So, I slowly learned to adjust my mindset, understand why I wanted to create, and treat this new brand "Jason Tai | Growth Strategy for Business Owners" as an experiment. With curiosity, I want to see what happens and what I can learn from continuous creation.

Through continuous creation, I hope to give myself more motivation to explore, grow, and learn. Perhaps, I can also help others like me, who are confused but trying new things with determination. Let's see what happens together.

How Business Owners and Founders Can Overcome Inaction

As a business owner or founder, you are no stranger to the pressure of high expectations. It's easy to get caught up in planning and overthinking, leading to inaction. Here are some strategies to help you overcome this hurdle:

  1. Set Clear, Achievable Goals

    • Instead of aiming for perfection, focus on progress. Break down your goals into smaller, manageable tasks.

  2. Understand Your Why

    • Reflect on why you started your business and what drives you. Use this as motivation to push through the initial inertia.

  3. Embrace Imperfection

    • Accept that your first attempts may not be perfect. Use feedback to improve continuously rather than waiting for perfection.

  4. Create a Supportive Environment

    • Surround yourself with a supportive community of peers who understand your challenges and can provide encouragement and advice.

  5. Prioritize Action Over Perfection

    • Taking action, even small steps, is better than getting stuck in the planning phase. Prioritize action to build momentum.

  6. Schedule Time for Creation

    • Dedicate specific times in your schedule for creative tasks. Treat these appointments with the same importance as client meetings.

  7. Measure Progress, Not Just Outcomes

    • Focus on the progress you make rather than just the final outcome. Celebrate small wins to keep yourself motivated.

By applying these strategies, you can overcome the tendency to overthink and underact, driving your business towards continuous growth and success.


Starting a new venture, whether it’s a blog or a business, comes with its set of challenges. The key is to understand the source of your pressure, adjust your mindset, and treat your venture as an ongoing experiment. For business owners and founders, the emphasis should be on continuous creation, exploration, and learning. Through consistent effort and a supportive environment, you can turn your ideas into reality and achieve your business goals.

Let's embark on this journey of growth and discovery together. Stay tuned for more insights and strategies on growing your business!


  1. Why do business owners often procrastinate on their projects?

    • Business owners may procrastinate due to high expectations and the fear of not meeting them. Breaking tasks into smaller steps can help overcome this.

  2. How can I stay motivated as a business owner?

    • Understanding your core motivations and setting clear, achievable goals can help maintain motivation.

  3. What is the best way to start a new project?

    • Begin with small, manageable tasks and focus on consistent progress rather than perfection.

  4. How can I balance planning and action?

    • Allocate specific times for planning and action. Prioritize taking action to build momentum.

  5. What should I do if I feel overwhelmed by my goals?

    • Break your goals into smaller, achievable steps and seek support from a community of peers.

Jason Tai

Growth Strategy for Business Owners

🤦‍♂️ Tired of rich scammers & fake gurus

📈 Branding, marketing & AI to scale brands

⬇️ Work with me or read my blog


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